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2004 2005 2007 2008
In September 2008, sixteen staff, students and community members from Chancellor State College visited Miaru for nine days to complete the construction of the school library. This was achieved by a combination of factors including having the funds from fund-raising throughout 2008, and with the support and energy of the Board of Management and the people of Miaru Village.
Coming down the river to Miaru Children catch fish near the village The Board and Community erected the structure before our arrival Collecting sand from the beach
Bec learns to weave a mat Eddie has a go at opening a coconut Rachel with her new friend Dale with his mouth organ and Emmanuel on guitar
Yorkie on the boat Vicki with Turalou Eddie's hockey team donated shirts to the school Stuart donated AFL gear to the school
Donations of bras were a fun and successful idea Stuart shares.... The ladies going to the gardens for the day Teenage girls entertain us one night
The slab under way
House on the river   Bec makes sago
Lakoro and Rose on the river Couple in their dugout Stuart and Lari - the Bad Boys Club "Children playing in the river
The school library - weatherboards on Dale, John and Leon - carpenters Dylan gets stuck into the cement mixing The reason we're here ...
Albert with a set of donated glasses... another successful idea Matt and Michael paddle home from a day's fishing Lai with little Esther Helen reads a selection from Canoes of the Dead"
Leon enjoyed his time in the kitchen Torben with the boys and their barramundi catch Bec, Rachel, Helen and Vicki dressed for the final assembly Torben with Auru
Members of the Miaru-Papamai Group perform at the final assembly Men perform a drama re-enacting colonial days in the Gulf Ou, Lari, Torolou and Auru perform a welcome ceremony Girls perform again for us
School captain, Natasha, makes her speech Chancellor students at the farewell Chancellor students with Year 8 Miaru students George with Chairman of the Board at the farewell assembly
So captivating... John farewells the builders and carpenters Final group shot in front of the completed library building Children in the Prep School sing songs in English
Two houses in the village In the dinghy going up towards the highway A final farewell from the reeds...