In Miaru 3
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54. Women wash at the river. The dinghy has reeds that have been cut to make mats. 55. Emmanuel and Farapo help lift the dug-out canoe into the creek for us to see life on the river. 56. George and Auru paddle our canoe while we are astounded at having such a wonderful opportunity.
57. Young boys effortlessly paddle their small canoes with feet and hands. 58. Lyn enjoyed showing her digital photos to the children. 59. Lari's son, Haro, came with us to the nipa palms.
60. Auru with the nipa palm nuts. 61. Young women worked on the edge of the creek that led to the river. 62.Three very happy boys at the river's edge in the nipa palms. 
63. Morisari with gifts from Rose in Australia. 64. We proudly hold the gifts -toea- that Karukuru has presented to us.  65. Foe's mother, Moi, comes down to the river to bid farewell.

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