Out to Miaru 1
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Betel nut market, Hisiu

Talapia and coconuts

13. First stop from Moresby is the Ana Pinu Store at Agivairu, Hisiu, where we buy drinks.

14 & 15. Women and girls sell betel nut, tilapia, coconuts, sago and vegetables at the market at Hisiu.

Emmanuel and Farapo

Children at Angabanga Bridge markets

Near the Angabanga Bridge

16. Emmanuel and Farapo Karukuru in the Land Cruiser.

17 & 18. A small Mekeo village and markets stand at the Angabanga Bridge.


The "Dream" Lake

Our Vehicle

Foe and Lyn at the lake

19. The Alika Lakes, the "Dream" Lakes, a large area of swampland inland from Miaru, is now crossed by the new highway from Moresby to Kereima.

20. Liri waits at the Land Cruiser for us all to get back in.

21. Foe and Lyn discuss the benefits of the new highway.

Village at Apanaifi

Houses on river at Apanaifi

22, 23 & 24 We were supposed to catch the dinghy here, but the tides were not advantageous. We talked with some of the people at the market before getting back into the vehicle to drive cross country to a smaller river closer to the village.

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