World War 1 Diary
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Anne BellAnne Bell kept a diary from the day she left Melbourne on 5 December 1914 until Armistice Day on 11 November 1918. Anne joined the Australian Medical Corps with friends from the Melbourne Hospital and served in Egypt, Britain and France.

Throughout her diary we read of her family in Melbourne and Booligal, NSW.


"The Journey Out" describes the trip via Kandy, Colombo and the Suez Canal.

"In Egypt" tells of her nursing life at Mena and Ismailia, and mentions family also involved in the war in Europe and Gallipoli.

"In Britain" describes her work and leave times in England and Scotland.

"In France" explains her nursing life in the hospitals and clearing stations near the Front, her meeting with her future husband, and some leave activities.

"The Journey Home"  tells of her trip home to Melbourne through the Panama Canal and Wellington, then of two weeks in Melbourne before Armistice was signed.

Anne kept many photos and documents, some of which are also included.

For details of many family members who served, click here.

Please click on the following PDF files to download:-

Annie Bell's Diary Dec 1914 - 1918

Newspaper Clippings, Letters from brothers in France and Gallipoli, Notes on Ships, Honours, Index

last updated 4 April 2015