from Annie Bell
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Letter to the family from Egypt
1st. Aust. Gen. Hosp.
A.I.F. Egypt
My dear Everyone,
You will be glad to hear that Private Ashton is over from The Front again and had seen Click five days before. He said Click is looking very well, in fat looks better than any other in his battalion. Click sent over some letters by him, which I am posting, one for Mother & one for Granny. Will also enclose the one he wrote to me. He wrote a later one - he had been down to church so had been able to see Pte Ashton. He sent over some plants for Granny and also the nose cap of a shell for her, the particulars about them are in the letter I enclose. 
Carl left yesterday morning on transport duty for Australia. She will be glad to see her people again. I think she worries about them. she has the nose cap for granny so she will be sure to get it. 
They are having cold weather at Gallipoli; Click wanted leggings and another oilskin, so I have sent them across to him. He has received the parcels I have sent from here. 
Had a letter from Aunt Margaretta, she said Boysie's toes had nearly healed. He had hurt them with an axe. She sent Click and me calendars, Click's has a picture of Kitchener - mine Jellicoe, she sent cards also. She said in her letter that she was sending us shortbread for Christmas.
Sgt. Horner who is a friend of Willie Stewart's called one morning. He is in the Pay Office. He had heard that Willie had sprained his ankle. Hear that the 8th. Brigade has landed, so am wondering if Leigh will be with it. 
Was at church last night. The church was packed, chairs in the aisles. There were quite a number of Canadian soldiers there. The D. who is in charge of The American Mission in Cairo preached and gave us a good sermon. The Rev. Rolland was there and several other ministers.
The new sisters have arrived, some of them are on duty. They all have excellent colours, after their seatrip. S. Barnard & Heywood from The Melbourne came and also several others who trained at The Melbourne, so they were able to give us all the news. They will be glad to have Matron B. at the hospital again. Miss Gould seems to have quite recovered from her illness, she is on duty again. 
Have not heard from Mr. Baxter for sometime- the 24th. have had a bad time from what we hear. 
Carl is going to ring you up and tell you that I am very well, hope they have a good trip.
With much love
Your affect. daughter & sister,
Private Ashton - friend of Click Bell's at Gallipoli. Passed on news to Anne.
Carl, Sisters Barnard and Heywood - nursing friends
Aunt Margaretta (Orchard)- maternal aunt in Kingussie, Scotland. Boysie - her son
Leigh and Willie Stewart - cousins of Anne - sons of Jean Armstrong & Rev. Alex. Armstrong