from Granny (Betsy) Armstrong
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1. Letter written to Annie Bell, Betsy Armstrong's grand-daughter, serving in the AIF in France

Killearnan, Torresdale Road, Toorak, Victoria.. 

1 - 4- 1918

My dearest Annie,
The good news in your letter was a great surprise and delight to me & the rest of us here, as not even Mother had heard a whisper of it. I hope "the parents" have cabled long ere this giving their consent to your engagement. So you may be sure you have my very best wishes & congratulations. I am sure Major Foxton must be good & nice or you wouldn't have fallen in love with him. I know he is a very lucky man to have won yours. 

You are constantly in my thoughts just now with this dreadful fight going on . I think you nurses are wonderful to share the sights and sorrows you must see at such times. I agree with you that it must be better to be killed outright than to be badly wounded and yet it s wonderful to see how jolly some of the returned men are, who have evidently come through a really bad time.

Now for some house news. Mother is looking A1 and very happy with George & ??? both in the house. Jock telephoned from Tuppal?? on Saturday. He arrives in town late tonight and stays at Scotts.  Mother has already made you a tray cloth & says to give you her love - she is reading on the sofa.

Jimmy came up on Saturday afternoon & stayed to dinner. He & George discussed Alma & Cuthero, horses etc. Jim is still of the opinion that no place can come up to Alma. I am looking forward to hearing what your Mother thinks of Cuthero. There is no doubt that the country suits her better than town. I think she lives about too much in town, though like myself she prefers to be thin than too fat & she seems very well. I was sorry Agnes' engagement was broken off. Both Mrs. Howatson's maids are out today so Bess is keeping her company.

Mrs. A.

Bess, George, Jimmy, Jock (John?), Agnes - siblings of Annie
Major Foxton is Annie's future husband, also serving in France
"Mother" is Annie's mother
Mrs. Howatson  is a close family friend, who also wrote frequently to Annie - there was a Margaret and a Jean Howatson
Alma and Cuthero are properties in the Hay District, NSW