My dearest old Annie-pan,
Congratulations! my dear, isn't it lovely. You must be feeling
very happy. There was great excitement when the letter came. He must be a
We broke up for our Easter holidays today, and go back on
tomorrow week. We are getting an extra day as Aileen McCauce won a
scholarship at the University this year. Bess was out at Essendon
yesterday. Aunt Jean and Uncle Stewart were out at a wedding in the
afternoon. Dads is coming out here on Saturday, for afternoon tea and tea.
Violet and I were up at Mrs. Howatson's on Saturday, Aunt Bess
was there also. Mrs. Howatson showed us some nice photos of Nancy and the
kids and one of the house, taken down at Earimil. Anna McKee was at church
on Sunday. She was going out to Mrs. Howatson's on Saturday night, so I
suppose she stayed there the night. The garden is looking pretty good just
now. There are some nice dahlias out. There are some very pretty dark red
ones. Uncle Geordie is to arrive on Good Friday. I spose he is coming over
for Gran's birthday. Sandy, Nancy and the kids are up from Earimil.
Well, old sport, I must close now.
With tons of love and kisses
from Duckie. |