from MaryAnn Bell (Armstrong)
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1. Letter to Constance Foxton, aged 15 years


January 4th 1936

My dear Constance,
I was very pleased to hear from your Mother that you were to take Communion. It was very nice of Mrs. Gibson to give you the Hymn Book. I suppose you will be packing up today. I hope you will have a very happy holiday. 
Uncle George left on Saturday evening. John and I went in with him. The new train, The Spirit of Progress, came in. I heard you can read quite easily i it, and there is no noise.
I think Uncle Lewis will be down this week. He and Uncle John are going to see the Alma Sheep that are away. We were just by ourselves fro Xmas dinner. Aunt Jean (Stewart) always used to send us crackers - I got some but they were not so good as hers. Aunt Ret's cake came in very handy. We have not heard of maids yet, but the office lady thought she'd get some. 
Thank you for your letter with love to you all
Your affect.
George, Lewis, John - Constance Foxton's uncles
Aunt Jean Stewart and Aunt Ret (Margaretta)- MaryAnn Bell's sisters