1. Letter written to his sister, Annie Bell. Both serving in Egypt
in AIF at the time. |
18-9-15 |
Dear Ann |
Received the fly veil in letters alright. The fly
veil is tres chic. Thanks for it. Had a big budget from home
Mother sent me some socks so you needn't send me that fan I
mentioned in a back letter. You can get me a bottle of quinine tabloids
and a letter pad, one that would go I my tunic preferred. I got one with
100 pages in it, but lost it in the torpedo escapade. I got it at one of
those street places pretty well opposite the Palace. If you get short of
money let me know. |
Click Bell |
Notes: |
The ship taking the troops from Gallipoli to Egypt was
torpedoed, but all survived. |
The Palace is probably Heliopolis Palace, Egypt, where an
Australian Hospital was situated. |

2. Letter written to Annie Bell |
College St.
Sydney Somewhere in Turkey |
15 – 10 – 1915 |
Dear A
nn, |
your last two letters safely.
Aunt Peg’s
was enclosed in one, thanks for the other enclosed ones also. Your parcel
with sox, mortein and also the one with chocolate have arrived safely. I
saw a fellow who came over with us from Melbourne the other day. He is
going to look you up and give you the news: Pte Ashton
his name. I will let you know
if I want anything and get him to bring it over. I have enough clothes at
present. Will enclose letters from Chris
since writing you last time.
According to herself,
Chris’s son must be a chef d’oeuvre. Not much news. |
Yr affect brother,
Click Bell |
You can send me over that
leather wallet I left, by post. It will be handy for keeping letter paper
etc. in. You will note that this is a bit of Geo
paper. |
Rec. this letter last night, so am sending it on.
AB. |
Notes: |
Chris and Jenny - twin sisters of Click and
Annie |
Geo - Dr. George Bell- brother - letter
written on George's writing paper with College St. address crossed out. |
Aunt Peg - presumably Margaretta Bell, Lewis'
sister, who lived in Kingussie, Invernesshire |
3. Postcard to Annie Bell |
France |
(Unknown date) |
Dear Ann, |
Received your letters and the
two parcels two days ago. The last letter I sent you was addressed to the
This card I will addresss to Ismailia
Glad to hear you were very well; thanks for the sox etc, they were
très bonnes. Most of the letters I haven’t had came this mail so should get them
regularly now. Haven’t seen Leigh
Received the two lots of snaps
alright: you can send one set to Grannie
and one home excluding the one
the two in front of a tent as they don’t know them. |
to see you over one of these days. |
AAB. |
Notes: |
1AGH - 1st. Australian General Hospital |
Ismailia - hospital in Egypt - near Suez Canal |
Grannie - Betsy Armstrong |
4. Letter to Annie Bell |
in France |
Ann, |
I received your letter of 11/5/16 some days ago, and was
glad to hear you were well: you must have had a good trip to Cairo. Thanks
for the letters. There have been a few Australian letters to 17/5/16, but
I haven’t received any yet. Saw a fellow who knows where Leigh
camped. This morning he was going to let him know where I was to tell him
to come up and see me. They are not very far from here, the drivers ought
to be having a pretty good time as I suppose they will only be having
their horses to look after at present. |
Have had a shift since the
last letter I wrote. We have a good room to sleep in on a ground floor.
They house has evidently been rather up to date as the old electric light
fittings are in it, and the room we occupy has two glass doors with some
rather nice embossing on them. Two cupboards and a fireplace on one side,
a door in the opposite side, while the other sides each have glass doors.
The French seem great on doors into their rooms. It rained a bit last
night and is still showery. |
W. Stewart
to be in Egypt by now if he got away alright. What do you think of the
Naval engagement in the North Sea? |
Am enclosing a photo of
the section. It was taken shortly after we arrived in France. Had a letter
from Aunt Nell
Alex had left but his destination was unknown. |
W. Robertson
have been putting on condition since leaving Australia. There are three or
four French kids knocking about here, they are hard cases. |
This is about all the
news. |
Your affect brother, |
Notes: |
Leigh and Willie Stewart - cousins of Annie and Click |
5. Letter to Annie Bell |
France |
be May/June/July 1916) |
Ann, |
received some letters you had sent me on last night: the postmark was
26/4/16. One of them was from Mother in a later date than I have received
from her. There was none from you so I suppose it will be a long today:
the maps came: you can send me ½ dozen of the group at the tent with me
in it, and also send Grannie
one each of any that would interest her. Glad to hear you are
well and hope you will be getting a trip to France or England. The country
is looking beautiful at present. Everything looks so fresh and green: it
rained fairly heavily yesterday. The skylark sings very easily in the
morning, also the blackbird. It gets light about 4 a.m. We have been
having an easy time the last few days. One of the section has a sister, a
nurse, she is in France: her name is Regan
Geo Stewart
been doing well at cricket, last report. They had been drafting at
“Alma” – Jen’s last letter. Father must have been in a hurry as he
passed Jen a fork instead of a plate in a turnover. Haven’t heard of
yet. |
think I mentioned cameras are tabooed here. Marseilles
a prettily situated place: there is a beautiful view from the Notre Dame
there, the Mediterranean looked so blue the day we saw it. |
to go to “Alma”
with Mother
I saw Betty Margaret in a marriage group in a Punch we happened to come
across. |
is coming on in the motor driving business, next thing she will be driving
an ambulance behind the firing line. |
are plentiful here at present, we had poached eggs for dinner today. The
estaminet?? had a good supply , owing probably to yesterday being pay day.
Coffee seems the main beverage, they grind the beans as they want it, so
it is always fresh: last time we were going to trenches we went to
purchase some coffee but on asking at the shop, they only had the beans so
we borrowed their coffee mill and ground
up a lb - it was
Wine and beer seem to be drunk a good deal by the French. |
is about all the news |
affect brother, Click Bell |
Notes: |
Geordie and Leigh Stewart - cousins |
Jen, Helen - sisters of Click and Annie |
6. Letter to Annie Bell |
France |
(Must be 30 June,
1916) |
Dear Ann
, |
Thanks for the birthday
wishes, they came in as tomorrow is my birthday. I received the book you
sent on to me alright, thanks. The sox you mentioned some time ago
haven’t turned up yet, but I am alright in that line. |
Haven’t seen Leigh
he arrived to see me the day on which we went into the trenches last time,
but of course missed me. Since then, I hear he went into hospital but came
out the same day as one of our fellows as he told him to tell me where he
was billeted. I believe nothing much was wrong with him, as the fellow who
saw him said he was alright. |
We are having peculiar
weather for summer, showers nearly every day. I suppose Geo will get over
in time, hope he gets surgical work to do. |
Had a p.c. from Will
he seemed to think he might be over this way some of these days. There
must be a small party at “Burnswark
now. James
was getting interested in the boat race, according to the last
letters. The crops are beginning to ripen now, there doesn’t seem a
great many men about to harvest them. |
I wonder if Alex Thompson
arrived in Egypt yet. Mother
to be right now that she has got to “Alma”
. I have just been told there
is a big Australian mail in: we got two together when we came out again
the other day. |
There is not much news so will conclude this epistle. |
Notes: |
Will, Leigh, Geordie Stewart - cousins |
Burnswark - Betsy Armstrong's home in Toorak,
Melbourne |
Alex Thompson-uncle-son from first marriage of
Betsy Thompson, later Armstrong |
Alma - Booligal, NSW. |
7. Field
Service Postcard to his youngest sister, Helen Bell. 2
July 1916. Addressed to Canterbury Road, Toorak, Victoria, and forwarded
to Alma, Booligal NSW.
