Helen McClure was a close family friend - of either Mary
Ann Bell or Betsy Armstrong - in Melbourne. She called herself Aunt Helen.
1.Letter to Annie Bell |
Sunday, 28.5.16 |
Dearest Annie, |
Thanks many for your P.C. and letter. You are always
near me. My thoughts during the day so often wonder and fancy what you may
be doing. Always good and helpful things I'm sure. Very tired of it all at
times. wishing with every aching heart it was over and that at least you
had arrived at your well-earned rest in your "ain countrie". So
do I dearie with very full heart for you are more to me and I miss you
more than I ever thought possible. Our dear Dr. prayed so earnestly and
fervently for the nurses and Drs. who were giving their very best
for our brave boys. It was all through a soul stirring service. Three
spoke to me on my way to the train of the wonderful sermon t. His prayers
are to me big comforts. |
A very cold frosty morning but we had a good
congregation. Mr. Grey preached last Sunday morning being Moderator. |
Elsie came for a few minutes to see me. They were all
up. She was the only one I saw. |
My Norman has gone two weeks ago. We don't know to
where. His poor Mother stayed with me the day he left as he did not wish
her to see him off. He is an only son and she is a widow. Sgt. N.J.
McClure, if he falls into your hands, he'll be right for he is very
precious and dear to me. |
I often think of Bert's picture of you in the
nightwatches. It made a great impression. Victor Walker-Young's brother
has been in camp some time. The men who have been leaving lately compare
splendidly with any who went before. |
How is your special friend- have you heard lately? I
often wonder. My writing is simply a disgrace. I can't help it for it. I
read a very little, and I manage so nicely my knitting. Norman Marshall
who went out a private is now Captain with distinction. He is in France,
but I don't think they know where Louis the youngest boy is. |
Oh my dear girl, how I long to see you. Hard times as
you are passing through. It's grand privilege and will I'm sure bring you
splendid harvest in after years. I find the thought often with me, shall I
live to see her. If not here, for a surety in the New Life. |
Ever and always, |
Your Loving Aunt Helen |
Notes: |
Elsie - nursing friend of Annie's |
Norman McClure- nephew of Helen McClure - died in France.
Lucy McClure, his mother, lived at Brighton.
2. End of a long letter to Annie Bell in Egypt or France,
April 25, 1916 or 1917 |
Somehow lately I've no been feeling very well - I
wonder shall you see Norman McClure No 1690-59th Battalion. Then there is
Stan Kirwood who has been in France since leaving Gallipoli 925-5th
Battalion. I'm looking over the list of the fallen. It's doubly sad to see
the death of a gallant soldier who has been in it from the first. At least
so I feel it. |
Darling, forgive this miserable excuse for a letter.
I was intending going to Church this morning as S.C. is holding its Anzac
am. today, but I could not manage it. |
Goodbye. God be with you now and always. |
Ever your |
Aunt Helen |
Notes: |
S.C. - Scots Cathedral |