Alma, Murrnong, Mahonga, Quinburra
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Alma, Booligal NSW  

 Alma - unknown date - more buildings evident than exist today (Click for a larger image)After selling Alma Station, Lewis (Gundy) Bell, son of Lewis Bell, managed the property for many years. It is now one of several properties in the area owned by the Morphett family. Alma is now a merino stud property with a resident manager. The shearing shed and shearers quarters are at Alma. It appears as if some "wings" of the house have been removed at some time. The "Bell" bell still hangs outside the kitchen area. In front of the house is the Billabong Creek, where evidence of blacksmith workshops is evident. Just past the creek is an old fenced grave, probably that of Old Chung, the "renowned" Chinese cook of Alma.  

There is a paddock near the property known as The Bendigo Paddock - supposedly where gold miners camped on their way south to the Victorian diggings.

Alma Merino Stud at Booligal has an interesting website. Visit it at

Photos of Alma taken in 2002                More photos of Alma from 1880 - 1920


Murrnong, Rand. NSW

Murrnong was built by Bobby Rand in 1896 for his sister, Sarah Rand. It was known as Murrnong - back view - probably 1930's-40's "Egelabra". Murrnong was purchased by Lewis Bell after WW1 as a house where his family and grandchildren could visit for holidays. It is a 100-square house on a grazing and agricultural property outside Rand, NSW. Lewis Bell's adult children and grandchildren can remember happy  holidays there from the 1920's onward. After the death of Mary Ann Bell, Kippy (Christina) and Jenny (Janet) Bell lived at Murrnong for a few years until its sale, probably in the late 1940's. After falling into disrepair in the 1960's, it was repaired and refurbished by new owners, the Sandral family. It changed hands again in 2006.

Photos of Murrnong taken in 2002
1914 Austin, owned by Lewis Bell 

 This 1914 Austin was owned by Lewis and MaryAnn Bell at Murrnong. It was renovated by the Percy brothers, and is now owned by a Rob O'Dell.


Mahonga, Rand, NSW

Mahonga, a neighbouring property to Murrnong, was owned by Dr. George Armstrong. James Marius (Jim) Bell (son of Lewis Bell) and his wife, Audrey Bell managed the property for him, during the 1920's and 1930's. Jim Bell enlisted in the AIF for service during WW2, and after his return, committed suicide at the property in 1954.

Mahonga played a part in 1860's bushranging story. Dan Morgan, the bushranger, robbed mail services in the Riverina area, and bailed up individuals and local stations. He visited Mahonga in 1865 and mustered all the men into one room and demanded spirits. It is said that he even made Bobby Rand dance a jig!

Mahonga and Bobby Rand are mentioned in the poem "Down the River" by Barcroft Boake.


Quinburra, Craigie, NSW

Quinburra is a sheep grazing property in the Delegate area of south-eastern NSW. The Andersons (Mary Calvert Bell and Bill Anderson) purchased it after moving from Kallara, Bourke, in the late 1940's or early 1950's.. It is now owned by their grandson's family, the Hortons.

Photo of Quinburra taken in 2002

Photos of Nelenia, Delegate - home of John and Mary Elizabeth Horton (née Bell) - taken in 2002