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Betsy Sutherland Joseph Sutherland Robert Sutherland Sutherlands Creek

Betsy Sutherland  "Granny Armstrong" Betsy Sutherland  -  Click for Sutherland History

Betsy Sutherland was born in 1837 in Brora, Sutherland, Scotland. She married Thomas Thomson, in Kildonan, Sutherlandshire, Scotland. A son, Alexander Thompson was born in 1855 in Clyne, Sutherlandshire. She migrated to Australia, leaving Liverpool on Jul 22 1856 on the "Mermaid", and arrived in  Melbourne on  20 October 1856. Her husband, Thomas Thomson, died at Sutherlands Creek, Victoria, in 1858, aged 28 years. Betsy Thompson then married Alexander Armstrong in 1860 at "Woolbrook", Teesdale, Victoria. Her ten children were born at The Leigh and Warrambeen in Victoria. After Alexander Armstrong's death in 1893, she presumably moved to Melbourne - homes included Old Killearnan, Killearnan and possibly Burnswark.

See Correspondence from Betsy Sutherland / Armstrong

Joseph Sutherland  was born in 1800 in Laing, Sutherlandshire, and died in Melbourne in 1875. He was an MLC from 1861-62.  He was the owner of several leaseholds near Geelong, including Opposite Golf Hill,  between 1836 and 1850, some with his brother, Robert. 

Robert Sutherland, arrived in 1837 and died in 1888 in England. He also owned leaseholds, some with his brother Joseph.

Joseph and Robert Sutherland's connection with Betsy Sutherland is unproven.

Sutherlands Creek is a small town in the Geelong area. Betsy Sutherland's first husband, Thomas Thomson, died there by drowning, in 1858.  See above in Betsy Sutherland's entry.

Interesting Connections between the Sutherlands, Thomsons, Bells and Armstrongs    

1. Alexander Armstrong's (b.1823) mother was Ann Sutherland.  
2. He was born in either Helmstade, or Kildonan, Sutherland, Scotland (Helmsdale is a coastal town).
3.Betsy Sutherland was also born in Kildonan.
4.The name "Sutherland" recurred in succeeding generations: Jean Sutherland Armstrong, Helen Howatson Sutherland Bell, and Sutherland Leigh Stewart 
5 Sutherland's Creek is a early settlement in the Geelong area - Betsy Sutherland's husband died there.
6. Lewis Bell(b.1853) was mentioned in a newspaper in 1873, in connection with coursing, as being at the "Woolbrook" property of  James Bell (b1829), his uncle. 
 7.Betsy Sutherland and Alex Armstrong were married in 1860 at "Woolbrook"
 8. Rob and Joseph Sutherland MLC (brothers) leased holdings in Port Phillip

 Last updated: 1 July 2008